All hands meeting at Instarama (Aug’18)

Taking time to assess the progress, mission and the direction we are heading is essential in every organization’s growth journey. This should happen frequently, in a monthly or a quarterly basis, and setting short term goals can highly influence the decision making process, uncovering the path to reach the main objectives.

At Instarama, we have found that a monthly all hands meeting can help us focus better on making meaningful, long-term decisions. We aim to demonstrate our organization’s values of accountability and trust by being transparent on how it functions. The time we spent together, to discuss and evaluate our activities is helping our teams grow and build a shared understanding of our mission. With us catering products of multiple verticals, the all-hands meetings help us to connect with each other, take time to reflect our progress and align our goals accordingly for the upcoming month.

In the recent all-hands meeting that commenced on 07th August 2018, we had discussed on the marketing and sales achievements of the past month (July’s), targets for the upcoming month (August), product updates and the customer feedback to help us enhance the product development process. Here are some highlights on the same.

Marketing and sales accomplishments

Adent saw an overall increase in traffic on organic searches, online and social media. Among the mediums, Quora witnessed a 500% growth in engagement in July 2018 as compared to June’s, and the maximum traffic pour was from United States. StreamHash, PushMaze and ShopyGen saw an incline in their organic, direct and Quora traffic and a small downfall in that of paid online and social media. StreamHash and ShopyGen saw an increase in the number of unique visits to the website.

The sales of Adent rose up to 40% in July’18 as compared to June’18, with the highest interest shown towards xStreamer, its video streaming and tube script. Notably, xCams witnessed the maximum increase in sales over month. ShopyGen too witnessed an increase in their sales with its multi-vendor eCommerce marketplace, GenStore performing above limits.


The route to success is built on a constant improvement on everything we are doing. With July month’s overall rise in the marketing and sales achievements, there were high expectations for the forthcoming month. ShopyGen and StreamHash’s main focus was on the USA, UK and Australian markets, and to increase their organic, paid online and social media engagement by at-least 40%. Adent’s plans were to increase their overall online traffic up to 30%, by targeting mediums like Instagram, Quora, YouTube and the affiliate partners.

Product upgrades

Adent’s key customizations were on xStreamer (giving users the option of Premium HD video quality) and xMember (unification of sites, where a user can integrate two or more of their websites under a single functionality). For StreamHash, dynamic landing pages and per-day based subscription plans for StreamTube was included. StreamView’s new version (3.0) upgrades include Landing page changes and additional cast features. ShopyGen’s GenTask had a few customizations done based on the clients’ request, on their respective stores.

Feedback and Improvement

Operational excellence doesn’t spring from anywhere but from the feedback of our clients. We have continuously revamped our products based on the customer feedback, which had made it possible for us to stand among the best turnkey solution providers in the market.

Additional languages, auto-signout and live streaming options were requested by StreamHash’s clients and our tech teams have started optimizing on the requests. Based on the feedback from Adent’s clients, xCams v2.0 is set to launch this month with Kurento tech integration, along with xMarketplace’s upgraded version. ShopyGen’s GenTack, GenTask and GenStore had received a significant amount of feedback, requesting additional design customization features and dynamic homepages.

Giving us an opportunity to work with other team members that we wouldn’t normally interact with, the all-hands meeting helped us to exchange ideas and form links that will strengthen the organization as a whole.

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